Cookie Consent by Bottlenecks are strategic key factors


The most effective starting points

Find and eliminate the bottlenecks of your development!

Tracking down bottlenecks is something of a pinnacle of strategic considerations. Removing bottlenecks in any work process in the company, let it be customer relations, the HR development or anything else, can have downright spectacular consequences. And with each eliminated bottleneck somewhere else emerges a new one. There is always some factor that inhibits our progress most. Always focusing precisely on the actual bottleneck is an extremely effective strategy.

meineZIELE helps you find and display bottlenecks. Promote the acceptance of your cognition with simple and clear diagrams. Only visible bottlenecks find their way into people's minds.

find bottlenecks


There is a method that eliminates bottlenecks without knowing them. Read more about the Radar method for teams.

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Set plain goals!

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