Cookie Consent by meineZIELE - How to proceed?

Operation Manual
How to proceed?

From goals to achievements

Don't let your tree of goals proliferate, but work on your tasks. Less is more. The less unnecessary branches, the greater the harvest. The structure and composition of your goals is not an end in itself. You only have success when you tackle your goals. Now do the step from theory to practice, from the planner to the maker:

  • Get down to your goals. Daily.

How to proceed?

Probably you have been working on your goals outliner only for a few days. So, you will need more time to work on your tree of goals and to work on the details. Neither will it contain all the tasks that actually exist, nor will you solve all of the tasks listed now. And daily, new tasks come up. This means:

  • For at least ten more days you should be working on your outline. Think about order and structure. Add and omit.

Clearing up the outliner

Probably you will find a share of 5 percent or more of "unnecessary" objectives if you have a look on your outliner from a different point of view. Many goals are actually meaningless. We would not mind if we do not achieve them. Some are only there because we once had a "great" idea we could not omit anymore. Therefore, check your objectives and tasks again. All, one after the other. Is this goal important? Do the benefits justify the costs? Is this really my goal? (Or is it actually the goal of somebody else?)

  • For the next ten days, daily choose one of your goals that you can delete without hesitating.

Your target

In our 25-day training we mentioned a threefold breakdown of your "target". This is a concept whose roots date back well over a hundred years and that especially in the thirties of the 20th century was made popular by Oskar Schellbach.

The concept is quite simple: Break down your goals into three groups and find a workable compromise:

  • Performance goals
  • Educational goals
  • Idealistic goals

A happy life does not succeed if we restrict ourselves to performance targets. Sayings like "Money can't buy happiness" are as old as human civilization. It is the goals and priorities that we set in our lives which decide whether we live happily. Have a closer look on your outline again.

Check and complete your educational goals: Which skills do I want to acquire and which to improve? Which ones are crucial for me?

You can learn everything.


Read the outline of your goals completely every now and then. This clears your mind, makes you conscious of your opportunities, and motivated!

Now to do:

  • Revise again your outliner as specified
  • Specify how you will continue to work with your outline in the next 10 days.
  • Get down to your goals

Bruno KlumppThank you!

Thank you for having purchased meineZIELE and participated in this course. I hope that it brought you insights and successes and that it will bring many more. You have gained the impression that a clear overview of your goals is worth more than "great organization"? Then stick to it!

Of course this online guide cannot replace the printed documentation. In particular, only a fraction of the knowhow intensive topic "strategy" is covered in this online course. You live and learn. Therefore, if yous read german, you should order the paper course material and take it to hand every now and then or occasionally attend a seminar. Your reserves cannot be found in more diligence. Your reserves are in better methods.

Could this course help you? Can meineZIELE help you improve your daily work, goals, strategy? I am very grateful for any feedback. Please send a message! What can we improve? How did you hear about meineZIELE and Since we are a small company we are grateful if you can recommend our products to your friends or colleagues. Thank you! And now I wish you success once again. I wish that you realize what is important to you and what is not. I wish you the patience and wisdom to preserve this clarity and the overall view. And I wish you the vigor to tackle the tasks and goals and to lead them to success.

Bruno Klumpp Unterschrift

Bruno Klumpp

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

Set plain goals!

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