Cookie Consent by meineZIELE - Success diary

Operation Manual
Success diary

Keeping a success diary

Erfolgstagebuch mit meineZIELEA success diary is a tool to set focus on your successes. At the end of each day you remember big and small successes of the day and write them down. As a success diary you can use e.g. a pretty note book, a pocket calendar or meineZIELE.

When you are using a success diary please make sure to think of different parts of life. You might think of things like efforts, education, ideologic aims, job, family, hobbies, ...

MeineZIELE Success diary

The success diary can be opened in the one-click-filing of any line. Please open the menu for creating filings.
You can choose between a "normal" and an encrypted file.

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

Set plain goals!

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