Cookie Consent by Teamwork management with meineZIELE"


Lead Your team to success

Lead your team directly on screen with meineZIELE!

Until some years ago meetings in companies had been characterized by endless circulation of daily schedules and action plans. The consequence: A lot of time utilized for tough distributions of jobs and results and many creative excuses.

Today, we define goals and tasks directly on screen with the projector. Each team member knows exactly what has to be done until when. Everybody looks at the same screen with the same objectives. We recognize with surprise: The outline on screen is a huge progress for common goals. In comparison, the fact that everything on screen is being synchronized with our workstation seems to be only an inconspicuous detail.



Since nobody has to make annotations like that, the whole concentration applies to tasks and goals.

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

Set plain goals!

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