Cookie Consent by meineZIELE - Fight procrastination

Operation Manual
Fight procrastination

erster SchrittMethods fighting procrastination


1. The first step method

No matter what you want to do, it always starts with the first step.

Procrastination is a psychological phenomenon that we often can hardly fight. Procrastinating has to do with fearing a barrier, the barrier of initiating something. It is difficult for us to begin, to do the first step.

So the way out is: Make the first step easy to realize!

Use the outline structure of meineZIELE to split your aims and tasks into more and more practicable steps.
And note what is the very first step you have to do to start.

Make it a very easy step!
Like "Picking up the telophone earphone" or "Start the computer"...
So your subconscious mind will tell you: "This is easy. I can do this!"


2. Promt planning

Many aims don't need a global, sophisticated plan.
schneller StufenplanOften it is even better to act at once.
But some clarity of thought is necessary.

An effective method is "promt planning".
Its advantages are:

  • thinking faster makes the mental activity more concentrative and more effective
  • it helps you to burst a circulation of thoughts
  • prompt planning helps to bring you into action

Promt planning with meineZIELE:



To start the "promt planning" click on the sandglass button  .
Then enter the time you want to use. Click "Start" to begin.


While the stopwatch is running you see the progress of the time in a graphic at the bottom of page.

When the time is over, you get the signal to start:

When you use to procrastinate, please start immediately.

Pictures und Sounds:

You can use up to 5 different pictures and sounds. Use the folder meineZIELE/Schnellplan and save as:

action01.jpg, action02.jpg, action03.jpg, action04.jpg, action05.jpg
sound01.wav, sound02.wav, sound03.wav, sound04.wav, sound05.wav.

When you start "Planning on the quick" you can choose from these profiles.

To use your own start picture name it "setup01.jpg" and save it in the same folder.

Next: Strategy

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

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