Cookie Consent by meineZIELE - fast switch

Operation Manual
User switch

Establish a fast switch between different users

When there are several people working with meineZIELE on one PC they might want to use different settings. The easiest way to make this possible is to establish a fast switch. It is done by only a few clicks:

Open the file manu and choose "Establish buttons for fast user swith".

Schnellen Personenwechsel einrichten

Buttons für schnellen PersonenwechselSave your current file on person 1 (Click on "Connect current user + file to button User 1"). Now you find a new button in the button line. Do this for every person who is working on this pc. You can establish up to 5 people fast switch buttons.

Now it is possible to change between the different users by clicking on the  correspondent button.

To delete a connection please click on "Disconnect button User 1", etc. Then you can establish a new connection for this button.

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