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Operation Manual
Calendars: Today

This page explains how to use the "Today"-view.

What is pending?

The "Today"-view shows what is pending today. Goals and tasks can be found to the left (1) and the schedule to the right (2).



There are three different representations of the schedule available.

1. The calendar sheet

As shown in the screenshot above. Advantage: New entries can be created directly on the calendar sheet. This traditional view of schedule is not based on what shall be achieved, but on how much time is available.

2. Goal-oriented schedule

Here, not only the goals, but also the events are situated to the left and the time span is displayed to the right (1). A line (2) shows the current time. The automatic sorting by time (3) can be turned off in the menu Options -> Settings -> Today.

Advantage: Goal-oriented perspective. First You decide what to do. Only then You define when.

3. Goal-oriented week planning

The same view is also available for the whole week. To switch, use the buttons at (1).

The number of days displayed may be changed between 5 and 21 per Click on +/- at (2). Then it often is better to reduce space for the tasks column. To do this, click in the title area at (1) and get a trackbar for the width of the task description.

Displaying many days normally means getting al long list of events. Therefore events can be collapsed (3) displaying all events condensed in on line (4).


In the schedule view, all entries are situated to the left:

1. The top goals of the day. It is style="float: right"highly recommended to define exactly three top goals daily.

2. The "events" without specific time of day, such as birthdays or deadlines.

3. Current multi-day appointments.

4. Pending tasks in shape of a to-do tree. These tasks come from your large outline. There, tasks are left in their logical order, so they are neither copied nor moved. The selection is done by "activation" with the green arrow in the edit panel. Activation means that the entries are marked. All affiliated entries of lower hierarchy levels are activated as well. Any previously set date will be deactivated. This means that the task will appear on the schedule until it is done. If you want to transform a task to a top task, drag it to the heading "Top 3 today". If you decide to disable a task again, the software automatically checks whether a date had been present before. If so, it will be reinstated.

5. Missed appointments: All events of the last two weeks that have not yet been crossed out are shown. So, returning from a business trip you will still see whom you should congratulate to birthday belatedly.

A task is either "activated" or "terminated". In the traditional view this is the only available view option. Only in the schedule view activated tasks and top goals may also have a period for execution.

To which goal does the task belong?

Orientation is quite important. To which sphere of influence does a certain task belong? Therefore, at all entries icons symbolize their original sphere of influence. As soon as you move the mouse on such an icon, its origin will be shown. By clicking the icon you get to its place in the goals outliner.

New entries

A click on an empty space on the right side or on a headline on the left creates a new entry.

Of course one has always tasks that arise spontaneously, which should be carried out as soon as possible and perhaps even occupy a place in the top 3. How to proceed?

 But if you enter a task in the calendar, meineZIELE can not know to which objectives field the task belongs. It is automatically placed into a follow-up section. The correct allocation is done simply by dragging the objectives field icon (2) to the desired objectives field icon in the navigation bar. In the example, "Get approval for pavement" belongs to "New main entrance / outside " represented by a constructions site icon.

The result: The task is allocated correctly and is now marked with the building site icon. Moving the mouse over it will show its origin in the outliner.

There are other relocation options with the mouse. So you can drag the entry to the top-3-tasks with (1), for instance. Event entries to the right can be handled at the edge (3) for scaling up or down.There is a menu accessible with the right mouse button for more functions.

The arrangement

To the right, thus on the calendar page, events are shown as areas with their size corresponding to the time needed.

An event is automatically generated by dragging a task to the calendar sheet. The time span can be increased, decreased or moved with the mouse.

On the left side, you can also establish an order of the activated or top tasks. This will not change the original order in the goals outline. Activated tasks are automatically organized according to the objectives fields they come from. You can allow for manual reordering in the options menu.


If the day is not completely full of events, you may want to use the right side for notes which you need during the day from time to time. To avoid confusion, use "Create Note" with the right mouse menu. Then no time is displayed and the entry appears yellow.



Those who prefer working with the keyboard rather than with the mouse can switch between the objectives view and the "Today" sheet with the command key 11 (F11).

Only the most important:

Active tasks are those you want to solve in the near future, however without a specific date. Top tasks have to be solved without ifs and buts. Therefore, a sub task of a top task cannot be activated. If you want to tackle the top goal of the week, activate the whole with all its sub tasks. By that, it will be removed from the top goals of the week and appear in the active tasks again. Then, set the most important sub goal or task, i.e. what really has to be done today, as top task of the day.

This is methodically very important. Once you have too many or too big tasks in the top tasks, you will unconsciously begin to select the parts that you can do best or that you like most.

Proceed with the week calendar

Attain Your goals with meineZIELE

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