Cookie Consent by meineZIELE - automatic ELO archiving

Operation Manual
Automatic archiving using ELO

This page explains how you can use automatic archiving with ELO:

If You are not an ELO user, then go on with priorities. (ELOoffice is a clever archiving system, which is very popular in Germany. It is available in several countries and languages. It is made by the German company ELO Digital)

Using ELO

meineZIELE is not supposed to serve as a document archiving system. Other software like the Electronic Leitz Folder (ELO) serve better for this purpose. meineZIELE documents can be passed to ELO and in turn ELO documents can be linked to tasks in meineZIELE.

ELO Verknüpfung belegt

meineZIELE does not determine by itself whether ELO is installed or not. The necessary setting can be found in the "Options" menu: Options -> Documents -> Further use of done documents. There you will also find the necessary ELO settings, as shown in the screenshot.

ELO Verknüpfung belegt1. Log-in data:

Since meineZIELE is able to access ELO automatically, the following processes are simplified significantly while you are using meineZIELE. Go to the "Options" menu (Options -> Documents) and enter your log-in data. User name, password and archive are required. The password will be encrypted.


ELO Verknüpfung belegtIf ELO is open and you have already selected a document, a click on the ELO button in the 1-click-filing is enough to connect the document to the open meineZIELE task. Alternatively, you can start ELO directly from meineZIELE. By clicking the ELO button, the archiving software is launched if not yet open. Then, open the desired document in ELO. As soon as the document is open, switch to meineZIELE and click the ELO button again to connect the document to the open meineZIELE task.

If ELO is already open, the link to the ELO document will be established automatically by clicking the ELO button in meineZIELE. If the document appears in the 1-click-filing, the allocation has worked well.


Documents from meineZIELE's 1-click-filing can be transferred to an ELO archive directly. The hierarchical structure of the archive will be chosen the same as in meineZIELE, unless you have established further settings.

In the screenshot, scanned notes of a phone call would be transferred to ELO. In ELO, there would be established a folder hierarchy corresponding to meineZIELE's goals and tasks hierarchy. Giving an ELO folder the same name as the corresponding meineZIELE task does not always make sense. Therefore, we provide the following options how these folder names can be changed.

a. Click the (+) to the right of a task. Detailled information of the entry will appear. To the right, there is a text field available
(Filing ELO) whose text can be used instead of the task description.

b. You can choose an ELO folder which shall be the general folder for all files:

c. You can emulate even complicated structures with additional layers. Just add them separated by #.

In the example a folder "Gebäude" and subfolder "Projekt Haupteingang" is set up.

d. If you want to avoid that ELO creates an own folder of any sub level, go to the main entry and put "##" to the end of the folder name
at "Filing ELO". However, you should avoid putting more than about 200 documents or folders to an ELO folder. Otherwise you could lose the

The file transfer to ELO can be carried out with a single click then, as shown in the screenshot (red arrow). ELO will be opened. The folder hierarchy will be searched and if necessary created. The document will be put to its destined place. Our phone notes will appear in ELO as can be seen in the screenshot below.

To the left of the created structure in ELO you can see how the settings from meineZIELE were taken into account. The entry "Baumaßnahmen##" effects that documents of any lower levels will be put to the ELO folder "Baumaßnahmen". No folders will be created for lower hierarchy levels.

For instance, the photo "Foto_Heizungsrohr.png", belonging to the objective "Abbruch Wandstück", will be put to the folder "Baumaßnahmen" in ELO.

By this means, any structures can be transmitted to ELO. Transmisson only means that the document is transferred to an ELO archive. The allocation of the file to its task in meineZIELE will remain. Since the allocated document is not a file anymore, but an ELO archive document, ELO has to be opened to display it. Once the file is deleted in meineZIELE, only the allocation will be deleted. The file itself will remain in the archive, of course.

Next: Print

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